So I’m *slowly* bringing back my monthly updates. The Fall always gets busy around here with photo sessions and this Fall was especially busy since I didn’t take on sessions in the summer with Evelyn joining our family 🙂 But aside from seeing my wonderful families again and also meeting some new families on the photography side of things, we had a busy October and November in the Cinadr house! The boys all decided to be different super heroes for Halloween and we had an unusually warm day which was SO wonderful! Evelyn is getting bigger and bigger by what seems like the minute- it’s hard to believe that later this month she will be SIX months. She’s basically one. Not really, but you get my drift 🙂 These baby years always go by so fast so I try to document them as much as I can! I feel like we were just bringing her home from the hospital and now we’re starting on baby food! We have loved having a baby around and the boys have adjusted so well. And, they like her even more now that she’s always smiling at them (except in the car when she tends to cry lol) I’m looking forward to taking more photos of them in the months to come as we are hunkering down indoors for the winter. And I’ll be posting my December update soon 🙂
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