June is *supposed* to be baby month over here! So we’ve been doing a mix of getting things ready for our little girl’s arrival but also trying to enjoy the pool and time with friends as much as we can because we know things will slow down for a little bit once she’s here 🙂 We’ve had a couple rainy afternoons where we spent the day inside, but any day it got over 80 we tried to head out to the pool, or we played in a kiddie pool or sprinkler at a friends house! It feels like we waited a while for summer to get here so we are trying to enjoy it as much as we can while it’s here 🙂 Some of my sweet friends threw a sprinkle for me, I forced Dan to take some pictures with the kids on Father’s Day :), I got to visit for the first time since living in Chicago the White Sox stadium while they played the Indians, and we also took a couple 39 week bump shots to document the end of my pregnancy! I hope you all are enjoying this beautiful summer so far!
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